Services d'frens | Employee Development and Experiential Learning Programs

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Program.

Build a welcoming and innovative culture for all.

Designed to empower your leaders and unlock the full potential of your diverse workforce. Our comprehensive Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEIB) program equips your organization with the tools and strategies to build a thriving workplace culture that celebrates a range of perspectives.

Who it's for?
Foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment.
Attract and retain top talent from diverse backgrounds.
Spark innovation through a wider range of ideas and experiences.
Boost employee engagement and satisfaction.
Mitigate risks associated with discrimination and unconscious bias.

Program Overview

Our DEIB program is a customizable 360-workshop framework, tailored to your specific needs. Here's what you can expect:

    • Engaging Icebreaker

      Sets the stage for connection and active participation.
    • Core DEIB Concepts

      Understand the fundamentals of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and explore the benefits for everyone involved.
    • Unconscious Bias Awareness

      Delve into the science behind unconscious bias and its impact on the workplace. Learn effective strategies for recognition and management.
    • Building Allyship

      Foster a culture of support by exploring the concept of privilege and its influence on workplace dynamics.
    • Gender Equity & PWD Inclusion

      Gain insights into the evolving gender spectrum and disability spectrum. Develop strategies for promoting equity and inclusion for all employees.
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Experiential learning

Engage in immersive simulaitons.Gain actionable skills.

Community-based learning

Connect in a peer-learning setting, ideal for collaborative problem-solving and networking.

Single-module track

Digestible sessions for effective learning and application in your professional life.

50-pax cohorts

Limited seats ensure personalized attention and active participation.

Tools and workbooks

Propel self-growth and introspection with our curated resources.

Past Impacts

Reported “ 80% increase in awareness of modern leadership qualities ”

Reported “ 80% increase in confidence with team motivation skills manage motivation of their teams ”

Our Benchmark
We outperform the industry average with a
star rating, making us the top choice for experieintial training
Baseline improvement Guranteed.

1. What are the customization options for the DEIB program?

Our workshop framework allows us to tailor the program to your specific needs. We can adjust the depth of each module, add industry-specific case studies, and incorporate feedback from your leadership team to ensure the program resonates with your workforce.

2. How do you measure the program's effectiveness?

We utilize pre- and post-program surveys to gauge participant knowledge and attitudinal shifts. Additionally, we track changes in employee engagement metrics and offer follow-up support to measure long-term impact.

3. How do you ensure the program is accessible for all employees?

We offer this program in various formats, Physical, Hybrid and Virtual.

Talk to us

Ready to upskill? Enroll your managers in this exclusive leadership training program today!